Wednesday 3 February 2010

Jan 30th

Jan 30th

Jan 3rd

Jan 3rd

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Jan 2nd

Jan 2nd

Monday 1 February 2010

Jan 1st

Jan 1st

December 2009

Dec 09

Sunday 3 January 2010

A New Hope...

I started this blog ages and ages ago as a place to post the photos I was taking as part of the project 365- where I attempted to take a photo a day. You can see some of those photos in previous posts or over on my flickr photo set.

Skip forward to 2010 and i'm embracing the idea again, this time i've been spurred on by a little project I did in December where I tried to take a photo a day at 11am. This project was started by a friend of mine and had a group of us taking photos on film every day for 30 days. The results are yet to be seen as we've only just finished taking them. As I had film left in the camera I decided to carry on shooting and it's working out that i'm still taking a photo a day, so i'm hoping that I can use this space to upload the results from this experiment. I said on my main blog that I have a habit of taking on too many projects, and this year is going to be a busy and stressful one for me, so I don't want to take on anything that I find too constrictive, so I will play this game as long as I feel happy about playing it and share any results with you that develop.

Saturday 21 June 2008

june 15th-dublin spike thing in the night